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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Fair and Dilemma

Posted by ★ Steorra ★ at 12:29 AM
Hi dearies~ I'm blogging again. Ended class long time ago (seems like) but still have to wait long to go back.

Anyway~~ That's not what I intended to blog about. "Fair and Dilemma". Sounds pretty much like a book title. (U thinking wad im thinking? O.o) Back to the topic....

It's actually about grouping. Yes. GROUPING.

As usual, most activities LOVE to ask people to group themselves up and be a BIG family (Singing: I love u, You love me, We are happy family~) my units too are not the exceptional types. If I get into a good team, that's TOTALLY fine, you see? Good team, good leader, we acted really like a family protecting and defending each other. It's fun and loving and warm. U can feel the friendliness and the success tasted like a heavenly sweet fruit.

But I really don't know why most of the time when I get into those bad ones, I kinda have the instinct of "Shyte! Now I'm going to work double hard to have OUR good life." I'm not one of those Gods, for what I'm doing this? To worsen my already bad and hectic study life?! I know I shouldn't think like this. SHOULD NOT at all.

But forgive me. 
All these while, I really REALLY really have VERY very very bad experience with group works.

I don't know how the rest of the members can allow that!! How come they are not furious? Some slackers are taking advantage of our piece of work and at the end! They got our credits too. It's really a heartbreak. Even if at the end, when that piece came in as HD, I felt really uneasy. Fruit taste? Just...forget about it. Taste nothing is way better than tasting shyte. >///////<|||||

PEOPLE! If you're reading this right now, I'm asking for neither sympathy nor critics (if any), JUST ONE THING I plead you to remember:


You may think it's okay then you're OBVIOUSLY wrong! Nobody likes to be some fools working their ass off, for you to sit back and enjoy ur damn life. NOBODY! 

For God sake, take back whatever excuse you have and just tell the truth. Dont think ur members are stupid enough for taking ur so FAKE excuse to be true and sympathize you. You forget, just apologize and said you had forgotten and there'll b no next time. NO MORE FOOD POISONING please, I tell you. 

FYI, you're not the first one to claim that.


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