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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

It's holiday again. ^^

Posted by ★ Steorra ★ at 10:47 PM 0 star✰shines
Harlow to all!!

It's holiday. Again.
If you've been living/lived here then you'll know.
My nation is pretty famous with one thing.

There's LOADS LOTS of holidayssss!

I don't know if it's considered good or bad =="
Well~ I can't help it ryte? Haha ;)

So.. A lil update about my current life.
I've been very very very busyyy last 2 weeks.

2 Assignments/Essays, 2 presentations and a discussant session.

Despite all the hectic moments,
I (very baka to say) still go and watch TWO anime movies.
See?!?! Me lazybum. Ended up with 2 weeks of sleepless nights. =X
And suddenly now, I can't get used to my very very very free holidays. LOL
Anyhow, I'm still going to be very hectic after this 3 days hol ended.
I better quit complaining n blablabla~~

Yesterday, I went back to uni for classes.
(All my family members have holiday!!! >__< Only me don't~)
My younger sis went back with me 'coz her book is overdue-ing &
she doesnt want to pay more bucks when she came bac after holiday.

While I was doing my coursework, she said,
"Nee-chan, uni courseworks seems scaryyyyy~"

Yea.. It's pretty S-C-A-R-Y..
I still recalled my 1st year in university.
The feeling of cannot cope with all the coursework - "Helpless".
And also, last sem. The worst semester ever!

Nonetheless, least to say...
All the lessons I've learned had helped me to cope with present better.
I've even got the same lecturers/tutors for 2 of my subjects.
At least I know (probably a lil) their expectation and so ;)

And not to forget, it's Raya today!
Selamat Hari Raya! Maaf Zahir dan Batin~
Also, Happy holiday to allll my friends who have holidays.
Of course!! All The Best to those who don't~!


Thursday, August 4, 2011

The pathway to ambition

Posted by ★ Steorra ★ at 12:43 AM 0 star✰shines
Recently, I've read a post from a uni friend of mine.

She said,
"Crème de la crème.
I have to be that.
No matter what.
I need. I want. I will be that."

<Crème de la crème>
It means
"Something superlative."
"People of the highest social level.
"The very best."

I was quite astonished by her determination.

Aiming High.

Not that I look down on her
but in fact it's the exact opposite.

I actually wished to have that kind of determination
in which I'm lacking every bit of everything to be.

To be the very best, frankly it's very difficult.
It was never easy to be different and yet aiming to be the best?

I know myself good enough. Be real.
I dont actually wish to be a very excelled person.
It actually means that I have to give up a lot.


Looking back at what I dreamt when I was young about my future,
I think I haven even reach 25% of my ambition.

I start wondering what have I done for my past 2 decades?
Planning never works for long run.
There's always alternatives and bundle of choices.

Que sera sera.
Whatever will be will be.

When things happen, can I really go against it and
stay firm with my initial decision?

The pathway to my ambition is clear when I was young.
Now that I've came all the way here.
And I came to realized what I saw at that moment it's
the top of the mountain from a faraway land which is visible.

Back then, I never know that I have to climb up in the forest.
To reach the top.

As the higher I goes, the road became more steep and narrow.
Eventually I'll come to where Frost's once were.

~ The Road Not Taken ~
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Let's just hope that by then,
I have the luck to pick the road I "want-to-take".

'Coz you see, there's nothing called
"Later I come back and choose again."
in L-I-F-E

And now, what I should be doing is
to get the hot fresh bachelor cert outta here.


Monday, August 1, 2011

ღ Love Life ღ

Posted by ★ Steorra ★ at 4:22 AM 0 star✰shines
I remembered last time during an outing
with bunch of old friends of mine, I asked one of them:

"You've bf?"
Typical girls' talk Q&A session.

She answered no.

Then I realized for so many years we've been together as close friends
and none of us in our group have ever had love life before.

So I told her something I came across when I was in last semester.

There's one girl I saw in my school.
She looks very much like an "engineering" type of girl.
(No offense, it's just that she gave me that kind of impression).

A bit nerdy, average-looking, long sleeve and good old pair of jeans,
quite short and a little fleshy..

Walking by her side, there's a guy. I guessed is her boyfriend.
Tall, muscular, macho-type of guy though he's bald.


I told her that scene gave me a silent slap on my face.

And then yesterday, I was slapped. Again.
This time it's a heavy one.


There's this blood-ties of mine.
Sent a LOVE LETTER to someone.
And that someone sent back a reply said,
"I love you too."

What The Hell???
They are both aged primary 5 OKAY!!?!
(Some of you called year 5 maybe)


What the hell is going on now?
I've been living for nearly 2 decades and ends up enjoying my pure life.

There goes this living for one decade kiddo sent a love letter
and nearly ends up being called to the principal's office.



p/s Waliaoo ehh... =="