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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Rini Raya Banzai !

Posted by ★ Steorra ★ at 5:34 AM
Today, i went bac 2 skul even though it's holiday..Hari Raya Hol..
coz i am going 2 Rini's house [she invited all the club members to her open house, you see...]

Happy~~ 1st time invited by a friend of mine(not my dad's..=>) to open house...
(thanks to Rini n her family~ o.<)

Well...i dun hv a car so i tumpang Davion's with Rini guiding the way to her house~
ooo...not forgetting Nelson's tumpang group - Nel(the driver), Q and Steve~~ wakaka

On the way, Nel (asyik main aje) wanna speed to reach Rini's place...Vrooommm--
Speed...speed...speed....Ara?? DAH SESAT!!!
[background music: in the jungle, the mighty jungle, Nelson lost his way~~]
LOLz......(laugh though i know i shouldn't)

Well...tis small incident doesn't worry us since Nel has navigator in his car...

When we reached Rini's housing area....there comes the surprise~~~

Davion - Wah! All these houses so grand!! Rini, don't tell me you live in this bungalow~~ (his eyes were at a corner grand-looking house)
Rini - NoNo.. i dun live here... turn down...
There's a building at the road end.
Davion & me - ........(for few seconds)
Davion - WHAT?!! you live here??!! this is not bungalow, mann....THIS IS ISTANA !!!!
[ istana = palace]

Now you know the "surprise"...Rini's house is super grand!!
Big-spaced car porch, chandelier here and there, private swimming pool, looked-expensive decorations in everywhere!!!
When we reached there, Mimi was already in the house waiting for us.
(Rini and Mimi look so nice in their baju raya~ unfortunately i 4got to take pictures ><)

Several minutes after, Nel & the lost gang and were finally here~ LOLs
We visited Rini's room and have a look on her ANIME collection (a whole cupboard you know...)
Then, of course, we have a Raya feast prepared by Rini's family.(Thanks to her family -- Terima kasih)
Food prepared were spaghetti, fried chicken & fruits while drinks were sparkling juice(which Q thought is alcoholic drink =.=) and carbonated soda.

A little accident happen then.....
When we tried to open the Sparkling juice, the bottle cap was actually a cork (just like a wine bottle), and then it stuck at the opening~
Rini then asked the guys to help...
"POP!!!!" a big pop sound was heard when the sparkling juice got opened and the cork flew over and "Bang!" hit the ceiling~~
Everyone at the scene was stupefied......................
Then, someone got back his/her voice said "Oh my god~~~"
Luckily that violent cork didn't cause any damage nor injury.. O.o Phew~

After the meal, we played Monopoly and watched an anime music video brought by Steve...

Lastly, Selamat Hari Raya everyone!!


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